Israel: Our Ally - [Print Version]

Novemeber 7th, 2011


America must stand with Israel, no exceptions.  Since its re-establishment, Israel has been and always should be our closest foreign ally; especially within the Middle East.  While many attempt to appease all parties and talk of mutual peace, these simple facts cannot be ignored:
  • Israel is the only democracy and "westernized" nation in the Middle East, and it holds a unique place in our world and its history.
  • Peace with terrorist organizations, including their supporters, is not possible.  
    • This list includes:
      • Hamas and Hezbollah.
      • A Palestinian Authority that supports, harbors, or even slightly tolerates Hamas.
      • Lebanese, Syrian, or Iranian regimes that support, harbor, or even slightly tolerate Hezbollah.
      • Any Egyptian government that partners with Hamas and does not honor its 1979 treaty with Israel.
  • These same terrorist organizations openly rejoiced at the Islamic attacks against the United States of America on 9/11.  And,
  • These organizations openly deny Israel's right to exist and continue to actively attack it while calling for and supporting violence against our nation.

Therefore, it is clear that American security and the safeguarding of Israel are uniquely intertwined; as is the prosperity of both of our great nations.  

As such, the United States should support, and in every instance back, the right of Israel to negotiate peace with its neighbors on its own terms, without outside interference.  Furthermore, we should publicly acknowledge the following:
  • Israel is both the historical and rightful home to the Jewish people.
  • It has a God-given and worldwide-accepted right to exist in the land of its forefathers.
  • The rightful place for our United States embassy within Israel, as mandated by our own U.S. Congress, should be Jerusalem.

Peace in the Middle East is possible.  Many people have hope that the "Arab Spring" will bring more democracies to the region and create an environment for peace.  I hope they're right.  However, make no mistake, peace starts with, and is only possible through acknowledging, honoring, and publically supporting Israel's sovereignty.
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